Friday, May 2, 2008

Current grade tally

SOC: A (But I've known that since the middle of last month when she told me I was exempt from the final test and project.)

BIO: A (Remember that paper about Lactobacillus acidophilus? Totally for shits and giggles, because I didn't need it for my A. Also, Phytophthora infestans and Protoreaster nodosus. At least I learned something?)

MTH: Probably an A (I took the final Wed. night, even though it wasn't due until Monday night. When I averaged my grades and realized that I could score as low as a 54 on the final and still get an A, I decided that any points I lost to unpreparedness would be made up for in lowered stress from studying. I could've skipped it altogether and made a B in the class.)

So I'm done until May 19th, which is orientation for the online classes. I've already picked up my BIO DVD's for 102, but I still have to wait to get my Statistics CD.

Oh, and I had been worried that I was just doing BIO101 and 102 for fun, but it turns out that they are pre-reqs for all of the higher level Bio classes in the major. :) Time to cross my fingers that they offer College Chem next fall at the campus nearest me.

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