Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

My princesses in the front yard this morning before storytime.

Adia eating a cupcake at storytime.

Francesca eating a cupcake at storytime.

Pretty pink princess and puppy dog "goggie"

Cinderella castle, face, O-ba-ma, fleur-de-lis

Zombie puppy

Zombie puppy rolls over

Yay! Sugar buzz!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

My dorkitude is showing

I'm trying to come up with a speech topic for our informative/persuasive speech (due next Monday... ha) and I've been looking at pages of nothing but topics.

Did I say: "wow, I wish I knew more about current events or sports, etc.?"


"It's times like these when I wish I knew how to speak Klingon or read Elvish."

Faux pas?

On the morning where we're getting ready for the Realtors to come walk through our house (not like "we've sold it"... more like "want to see them all") I put an orange-colored tart in the burner.  I thought it would be pumpkin or something.

No.  It was patchouli.

My house REEKS of dirty hippie.  Urgh.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My good deed for the day

We had planned to go to the coffee shop this morning, because I'm out of coffee (teh horrors.)  Seriously, I couldn't remember how to tie a bow.

I walked out of the front door to find...... a little grey kitten!  She was emaciated and had crusty eyes, so  two big signs that I didn't want to bring her inside with immuno-compromised Crush.  I called the local cat rescue (I guess is what you'd call it?  The shelter doesn't take cats here, so she does with a pretty cool setup.)  I brought kitty in without a fight -- she walked right up to the cat carrier.  I offered her a treat, but she just wanted petted.  I had to sign away "my" rights to her, and when I told her why I couldn't take another (sick) kitty right now, she asked if Crush had FIV.  I said no, and she explained that someone was looking for a home for a FIV+ kitty.  Alas, if Crush were to get FIV, that would be the end of him.

So we went on to the coffee shop, and I'd brought books for the girls.  So I got to read the Post and the FLS in peace.  Good times.

And now we're home.  I need to get bleach for the carrier later and it's the first day of fall shares at the CSA.  As soon as I finish this blog, I'm headed to the kitchen to clean (it REEKS because the trash had some pretty gross stuff in it this morning) and after that is nap.  Charles is coming home early so we can get to cleaning before the Realtors are here on Friday to critique us.  I'm a bit nervous about that.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Zombified is probably the best way to describe how I feel at the moment. I started with a headache on Monday (Sunday too? I can't remember) and assumed it was allergies. It was the usual pounding headache.

By the time Charles got home last night, I was just glad that the girls were playing nicely enough that I could lay on the couch and read. He thought I felt warm, but the thermometer said pretty much normal (maybe a teensy bit high for me.) After dinner, though, it was around 99.5, and by bedtime it was over 100. I finally figured out that the Advil I'd taken for my headache must've been the reason my temp wasn't any higher when he first got home.

This morning I thought I felt better. I even begged to go with the girls on the LLL berry farm field trip, but I have my "laying on the couch" orders. Sigh. I'm kinda glad now though, because my eyes feel watery and my forehead feels warm again. And there's that whole "can't fully breathe" feeling, but that's been there since I woke up this morning.

Maybe I'll have some cute pics from the berry farm to post this afternoon after Charles brings the girls back. (He has to go in for a meeting this afternoon.)

Monday, October 13, 2008

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Redneck Jam-bo-ree

About half an hour ago (10:45pm) the neighbors started playing loud-ass music.  It is now to the point I can identify the songs through the wall.

A minute ago it was "Sweet Home, Alabama"


Yee-haw y'all!

Remind me again why we would ever want to move?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh, money

I got my statement today for my annuity (which is "my" retirement fund) and I've lost $1100 this quarter.  Bah.

Good thing we have another 30 years before Charles can even consider retirement!

A curious coupon

We just got a coupon booklet in the mail.  There was a coupon in there from a pet store -- $100 off any puppy.

I'm sold!

Off to get a puppy!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

I am approximately 0.985074627 smoots tall

There was a headline on CNN about the smoot measurement today. That was a new one for me, and in googling, I found a pretty neat history of it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Biden video from the rally

I have another of Biden, but I think you get it from the two grainy-ass vids here. ;) Note the deafening roar of cheers and applause at the end of this snippet.

going 2 kohls 2 get

going 2 kohls 2 get fall clothes. miss a is too big 4 almost everything from last year! having fruit in car first.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Swim lesson #2

Note the purple lips... guess they have yet to fix the pool heater?

She posed like this -- silly kiddo!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No campaigning materials...

Add this to the list of things I didn't know.

I suppose I will be bringing a sweatshirt to wear within the 40ft. at my polling place this November.

God bless whoever created

Because I can listen to The Daily Show while I clean the bathroom. Makes it far easier.

I think I might be a better housekeeper if I had TV. (Now we'll see if my mom actually reads this. ;)

I believe I'll be cleaning the kitchen to The Colbert Report this afternoon.