Saturday, August 22, 2009

cutie pie on the playground!

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Is there anything cuter than kids in glasses?

I think not.

We took the girls to get eye exams today.  Adia was already at 20/30 at her 4yo checkup last year, and she apparently has pretty significant astigmatism.  She was all excited to be like Mommy and Daddy until we were looking at frames, when she decided she can see just fine and doesn't waannnnnaaaa wear glasses.  (Tough cookies, kid.)

She's getting some awesome pink frames with bling.   Sleeping Beauty glasses.  ("Lipstick Pink", if you'll put your feminist rage aside for a moment.)  They're not what I would've picked -- the Barbie wire frames were more flattering and have a better warranty -- but I'm not the one who'll be wearing them.  ;P

Oh, and remember how glasses used to be dorky?  When did that change?  Francesca is begging for glasses.  I may order her a frame with no lenses just so she'll chill.  She's probably going to need them by the time she's 5 anyway, according to the optometrist.  Three cheers for genetics!  Her left eye also has a tendency to pull inwards, so we might be looking at vision therapy too.

They totally rocked the exam, by the way.  The glaucoma test was no big deal.  (The one that makes me cry half the time.  The puff of air in your eyeball one.)