Thursday, June 5, 2008

One and a half trips to town later...

Last night, I called in a refill for Adia's nebulizer meds. We had enough for last night and this morning, but we'd need one before bed.

Charles took my car to work with him to get the oil changed today, and he planned to swing by the drug store on the way home to pick up the prescription. First problem: the mechanic didn't have power, so he wouldn't know until after work if they'd been able to take care of it or not.

He walked to work (only a couple blocks) and found out his 1:00 meeting (to run 3 hours) was actually at 2:30. Second problem: I needed to get groceries, and the car wasn't going to be home until 6. I guess I could've been a good hippie and walked to the grocery store like 5 miles away. In the heat advisory. Down a 2-lane 55MPH highway.

The kids must have somehow known that we were cooped up at home and that Mommy could be driven crazy even easier today. Third problem: I couldn't do my usual and take them out somewhere. We went out in the backyard, but it was still meltdown city. It was better than Francesca's repeated climbing on the couch to jump up and sit down. And if I tried to grab her, she'd crawl full-force toward the picture window and give me a heart attack. They spent most of the time playing with rainwater in the collapsed upside-down plastic pool. (We've gotten like 5" in the last two or three days. It was uggggggly.)

Charles got out of his meeting at 5:20, the car was done, and he brought home dinner. Afterwards, I went to town to get groceries (and ice cream, since I was clever enough to get cash back at the store.) I started to head home and called my parents just to chat. (Built-in Bluetooth rules!) Charles beeped in to ask if I'd gotten by the drug store.


Luckily he caught me right before the last chance to turn around for a couple of miles, so I cut through that parking lot and went back for drugs. Fourth problem: they found mine (Rx toothpaste, yay) but Adia's was lost. 5 minutes and some melted ice cream later (Charles') they found it on the counter.

So she got her nebbie, Charles got his ice cream, and I got to take my Stat quiz and get 100. Yay.

I need to listen to the rest of the lectures before I re-attempt the unit quiz, though. That's okay, because I uploaded them to my Zune, and I can listen to them while I do dishes. :)

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