Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Still sick, now F is off to the doctor

I spent last night violently coughing, and I wound up sleeping sitting up on the couch. I have broken blood vessels in my eyes and my throat. I'm a lot better now that I'm up and about, but I'm still occasionally coughing. My throat feels better, as long as I'm not coughing. I sent Charles back to work for the first time in almost two weeks.

Over the last day or so, Checka's hives have started covering her entire body. Seriously, she's about as bad as I was when I had the thyroid craziness last summer. Chest-to-toe hives. I called the doctor's office and they wanted to see her today, so I got Charles to come home to take her. I feel better, but not "drive two kids to Fred." better. This is the first doctor's appointment I haven't been present for, and it's a little weird.

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