Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day '08, part 2

I'm back (and showered and warm again!) from working the Dem table at my precinct!  :)  Charles wasn't feeling so hot, so I decided not to go into Fredericksburg to help there.  It was another night of standing in the rain and yucky temperatures for Obama. ;P

I think it was worthwhile.  We probably had 1/10th the number of people stop at our table than stopped at the Rep table, but our voters were SO much more psyched.  Like yelling "GO OBAMA!!!!!" across the parking lot. :D

There were actually 2-3 new voters there, even!

We are now proudly displaying Barack Obama and Mark Warner yard signs in our front window.  (Better late than never?)

And returns are coming in!  So far McCain has a 7500 vote lead, but I need to see where those polls are.

I'm feeling good. :)

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