Saturday, April 12, 2008


Don't read this if you're eating. Or plan to soon.

Poor Adia now has the tummy bug that Francesca had last week. We heard her coughing, so Charles went back and found her covered in puke. It's not so bad with the under 2 crowd, since it's mostly breastmilk. And I thought the picture of partially digested ham sandwich in a stomach at the Science Museum last week was pretty cool. Partially digested turkey sandwich in a four year old's bed? Nowhere near as cool. She's laying on the couch right now going between the lands of asleep and awake. In an annoying twist, her striped sheets are dirty. Luckily, I just cannot get rid of the sheets that were on the bed when Francesca was born, so we had clean sheets for her. The flower sheets are in the wash, and we're up until at least that load goes into the dryer.

She was fine all day. They spent a good chunk of it outside, because it was nice and warm.

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