Friday, March 28, 2008

The preschool mom's walk of shame

I got to do the walk of shame today. The one that moms of preschoolers get to do when their child loses her mind at the end of the library story hour and has to drag both crying (and screaming in Adia's case) girls out of the library while everybody wonders (a) why they are crying and (b) why their mama hasn't disciplined them yet.

The drama? She wasn't ready to finish putting together her windsock, so I backed off and let her do some more. She decided she was done, so I put it together. At which point she decided she was not done, but it was too late. She freaked out the whole way out of the library and the block and a half to the car. And then the lone streamer we'd put on it blew off down the road. Double drama. And then she remembered the snack she hadn't finished at the library. Oh, the huge manatee. She's eating lunch and watching Dr. Seuss here now. I thought the library might be a good distraction from Gamma leaving, but apparently it was just too much change for my little Pisces.

On the plus side, she and Mason had a nice little pre-storytime snack at the coffee shop. And a pleasant walk to the library.

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