Wednesday, September 10, 2008

She's growing up so fast

We went to check out the Y tonight. (We joined already, but they haven't "officially" opened.) I signed Adia up for the Parent & Child swim lessons, not wanting to leave her alone in the water.

After leaving the Y, I realized that it was for ages 3 and under, so I gave her the choice of having me there or not. (What're they going to do, kick us out of class?) Her answer?

"I don't need you there, Mommy.. I can learn by myself."


So into the beginner "big kid" class she goes.

She spent the morning with three little boys playing in the woods.


On a side note, the Y is freakin' awesome!  I need sneakers, but then I'll be able to go drop them off while I take a class or work out on the machines. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Steph! I'm sorry Adia is growing up so fast. It's amazing how fast it really goes.
Very exciting about the Y. Where is it?
We must talk about building. I can tell you one thing it is an oxymoron!!!