Monday, February 16, 2009

Little Suzy Homemaker

So, Friday morning someone on the local freecycle list offered up a bunch of twin sheets. I managed to snag a set of Finding Nemo sheets! Alas, the previous owner was a smoker, so I had to do a bit to get them suitable for sleeping on.

Checka's doing well with the sleeping on her own. She stumbled down the hall around 10:30 last night, but that was because Crush will. not. leave. her. alone. He had reclaimed our bed but has decided he'd rather lay in Checka's bed and lick himself obnoxiously. I love cats. After that, she slept until 6 something.

Yesterday I decided I needed to get curtains. I looked at an antique store, flea market, and consignment shop. All I found was an undersea shower curtain. At $10, I passed. I visited another antique-type shop and found bolts and bolts of fabric. I wound up buying 3 at $5/ea.

The yellow and white was a tease, because there were only a couple of layers of that on the bolt when I got home. And it'd been cut. But I'll be able to use it for something, because I looooove it.

The fabric that was underneath it is a gold silk, so I think that'll be used for curtains. :) I grabbed a blue silk that I haven't decided what I want its purpose to be, but I like the color. (And $5/roll silk.....)

I made these today. Don't look too closely, because I didn't pin or measure very well. But they serve their purpose.

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