We have, arguably, the two cutest kids in the world.
This picture is from playing outside in the 70+ degree weather (in February!) the other day.
A summary of our week:
Monday morning - Charles left for Florida.
Monday night - Francesca woke up at 9pm to nurse, and after 50 minutes, I just let her wake up. She hung out with me until I was ready for bed, at which time she insisted she wanted to sleep on the couch. I tried arguing with her, but eventually let her go. I figured she would get up here, last 2 minutes in the dark, and be back to my bed before I knew it. I was wrong. She slept up here until 3:30am.
Tuesday: We played outside, and I ran them ragged. I also cleaned out the guest room/bed, which is where we've been storing moving boxes.
Tuesday night: Francesca nursed to sleep, I put her in her bed, and then she woke again a little while later. I put her in the bed with her koala, and she put herself back to sleep. Until 2:30am when she fell out. (I didn't put a bedrail up because she did fine on the couch. Oops.)
Wednesday: We went to the LLL meeting, and the girls spent a large chunk of the day running around outside.
Wednesday night: I put a bedrail on the bed, and Francesca again woke up to nurse at like 9:30. I nursed her, gave her a drink of water, and put her back to bed. She put herself to sleep, and she stayed there until sometime during the night. She pretty much ignored me in the bed, though, and snuggled with her koala instead.
Thursday night: I nursed Checka, and when she was still restless, I went ahead and put her in her own bed. She didn't wake up until 1 or so. (I was still up, as Charles was flying home from FL, and a delayed flight meant he wasn't home until 12:30.) I nursed her, changed her diaper, and Charles put her back to bed. She slept there until sometime during the night, when I nursed her again and Charles put her to bed. Then she was up by like 6:30, I think. But it's an improvement.
In Adia news, she continues to improve on her reading skills. (We're talking names of dinosaurs!) I bought "What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know" last weekend when we were at Borders. She asked if she could read it this afternoon, so she spent an hour curled up on the couch reading it. Hehe!
By the way, Crush has not been amused by the recent warm weather and my need to open the windows.