Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So, it wasn't hives

It's another form of eczema. They're sending her home with two prescription creams (probably steriods, Gramma :P) one for her body and a gentler one for her face.


dreamingviolet said...

Paul had pretty nasty eczema when he was smaller. Doctor's biggest advice was to bathe him less and put a hydrocortisone cream on, gave us a script for a mild steroid cream if it didn't seem affected by the other stuff, but luckily we've never had to fill it!
And he hasn't really had any problems with it since then :)

Steph said...

Yeah, we don't bathe her more than 3x/week. I found out a couple of weeks ago that eczema runs in my family, so she's pretty much screwed. :P The creams seem to be working (hydrocortisone 2.5% and triamcinolone), but you reminded me I need to get Charles to pick up some Eucerin when he picks up Adia's prescription later!