My TI-89 is of the older variety, so it doesn't have the full statistics package on it. I could put it on there, except my cable is missing, and the local Radio Shack doesn't carry them.
So I wrote a program to make my calculator do what I needed it to do. Heee!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Few pictures from yesterday and last week...

Wanting to push her own stroller around the mall after checking out the fountain.

Where are Adia and Francesca?



Orange-blueberry muffins that I made last week. Freaking awesome.

Adia's lilies from her birthday last year are blooming and absolutely gorgeous! (And Francesca's hand is a little grubby... ha!)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mom and I took the girls to see Kung Fu Panda yesterday afternoon. (And afternoon movies is all I'll be seeing from now on I think.. the non-matinee prices are like $13 now? Crazy! Besides, I only got to see the first half, since Francesca was done, TYVM.) Afterwards, we met Dad for dinner at the mall. They had blank paper and crayons for coloring, and I asked Adia if she could draw a picture of Daddy at the same time that Mom asked if she wanted to draw a picture of a panda, so she said YES! Mom drew the head, and Adia drew the legs/feet. (My mom is a Realtor, not an artist. ;P) When we were done, I asked "So, what's the picture of?" expecting "Panda!"
I was not expecting "Daddy!"
Mall Playground
we are hanging at the mall in richmond while mom & dad have appointments. it has been crazy since i dropped mom off with dad. at lunch francesca wrapped her arms around a pair of khakis with legs not daddy's. then she threw a fork. then she screamed. then we left and while i was strapping adia into carseat my lens fell out of glasses. luckily mall was right there. more later....
Saturday, June 21, 2008
We got to pick a system from the human body to write a paper on in Bio. (Well, two papers on two systems, actually.)
I picked reproductive and endocrine, because I've been fascinated by the reproductive system forever and with both I figured I could "write what I know."
Except I didn't take into account that the reproductive system is twice the work, because it's not like the respiratory/lymph/etc. system varies all that much from male to female. D'OH.
We got to pick a system from the human body to write a paper on in Bio. (Well, two papers on two systems, actually.)
I picked reproductive and endocrine, because I've been fascinated by the reproductive system forever and with both I figured I could "write what I know."
Except I didn't take into account that the reproductive system is twice the work, because it's not like the respiratory/lymph/etc. system varies all that much from male to female. D'OH.
Friday, June 20, 2008
"I thought I'd look up latex bondage"
I'm not sure if I'm actually recommending this or not, but Googling "echidna penis" is, um, interesting.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
From the berry farm today
Blueberries - bucket - 19.50
Quick frozen on cookie sheets and put into a gallon Ziploc bag (almost to the top!) The girls go through at least a pound a week, and this is several pounds worth.
Strawberries - 3qt. flat - 12.50
4.5 jars of freezer jam
Layer cake
1 quart of squishy ones leftover.. may chop and freeze for later use
Raspberries - pint - 4 something
For snacking for everybody else. (I can't get over the texture of the seeds.. same with blackberries!)
Quick frozen on cookie sheets and put into a gallon Ziploc bag (almost to the top!) The girls go through at least a pound a week, and this is several pounds worth.
Strawberries - 3qt. flat - 12.50
4.5 jars of freezer jam
Layer cake
1 quart of squishy ones leftover.. may chop and freeze for later use
Raspberries - pint - 4 something
For snacking for everybody else. (I can't get over the texture of the seeds.. same with blackberries!)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Figured out what to search for, and it turns out that it's a harmless (tell that to my ugly leaves!) mite -- Maple Bladder Galls.
Note the end where they say it's "one of the most common inquiries received by diagnosticians." At least it's not just me!
Note the end where they say it's "one of the most common inquiries received by diagnosticians." At least it's not just me!
Called the County Extension Agent

Our maple has been doing this funky thing for a few weeks, and I finally decided to call an extension agent today to see what exactly it is. They're supposed to call back between 2-3 today. I hope they have an answer for me. (I'm kinda plant-dumb.) Those little bud-looking things on the leaves start out green, then turn pinkish-red, then turn black, and finally fall off, leaving the brown circles. It's doing it on the new growth too, so I'm not thinking it's a normal part of the tree cycle.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
One and a half trips to town later...
Last night, I called in a refill for Adia's nebulizer meds. We had enough for last night and this morning, but we'd need one before bed.
Charles took my car to work with him to get the oil changed today, and he planned to swing by the drug store on the way home to pick up the prescription. First problem: the mechanic didn't have power, so he wouldn't know until after work if they'd been able to take care of it or not.
He walked to work (only a couple blocks) and found out his 1:00 meeting (to run 3 hours) was actually at 2:30. Second problem: I needed to get groceries, and the car wasn't going to be home until 6. I guess I could've been a good hippie and walked to the grocery store like 5 miles away. In the heat advisory. Down a 2-lane 55MPH highway.
The kids must have somehow known that we were cooped up at home and that Mommy could be driven crazy even easier today. Third problem: I couldn't do my usual and take them out somewhere. We went out in the backyard, but it was still meltdown city. It was better than Francesca's repeated climbing on the couch to jump up and sit down. And if I tried to grab her, she'd crawl full-force toward the picture window and give me a heart attack. They spent most of the time playing with rainwater in the collapsed upside-down plastic pool. (We've gotten like 5" in the last two or three days. It was uggggggly.)
Charles got out of his meeting at 5:20, the car was done, and he brought home dinner. Afterwards, I went to town to get groceries (and ice cream, since I was clever enough to get cash back at the store.) I started to head home and called my parents just to chat. (Built-in Bluetooth rules!) Charles beeped in to ask if I'd gotten by the drug store.
Luckily he caught me right before the last chance to turn around for a couple of miles, so I cut through that parking lot and went back for drugs. Fourth problem: they found mine (Rx toothpaste, yay) but Adia's was lost. 5 minutes and some melted ice cream later (Charles') they found it on the counter.
So she got her nebbie, Charles got his ice cream, and I got to take my Stat quiz and get 100. Yay.
I need to listen to the rest of the lectures before I re-attempt the unit quiz, though. That's okay, because I uploaded them to my Zune, and I can listen to them while I do dishes. :)
Charles took my car to work with him to get the oil changed today, and he planned to swing by the drug store on the way home to pick up the prescription. First problem: the mechanic didn't have power, so he wouldn't know until after work if they'd been able to take care of it or not.
He walked to work (only a couple blocks) and found out his 1:00 meeting (to run 3 hours) was actually at 2:30. Second problem: I needed to get groceries, and the car wasn't going to be home until 6. I guess I could've been a good hippie and walked to the grocery store like 5 miles away. In the heat advisory. Down a 2-lane 55MPH highway.
The kids must have somehow known that we were cooped up at home and that Mommy could be driven crazy even easier today. Third problem: I couldn't do my usual and take them out somewhere. We went out in the backyard, but it was still meltdown city. It was better than Francesca's repeated climbing on the couch to jump up and sit down. And if I tried to grab her, she'd crawl full-force toward the picture window and give me a heart attack. They spent most of the time playing with rainwater in the collapsed upside-down plastic pool. (We've gotten like 5" in the last two or three days. It was uggggggly.)
Charles got out of his meeting at 5:20, the car was done, and he brought home dinner. Afterwards, I went to town to get groceries (and ice cream, since I was clever enough to get cash back at the store.) I started to head home and called my parents just to chat. (Built-in Bluetooth rules!) Charles beeped in to ask if I'd gotten by the drug store.
Luckily he caught me right before the last chance to turn around for a couple of miles, so I cut through that parking lot and went back for drugs. Fourth problem: they found mine (Rx toothpaste, yay) but Adia's was lost. 5 minutes and some melted ice cream later (Charles') they found it on the counter.
So she got her nebbie, Charles got his ice cream, and I got to take my Stat quiz and get 100. Yay.
I need to listen to the rest of the lectures before I re-attempt the unit quiz, though. That's okay, because I uploaded them to my Zune, and I can listen to them while I do dishes. :)
Panic time
It didn't occur to me until yesterday that my kids will need somewhere to be starting next fall. (As in 2009.) I hadn't put too much thought into anything regular, but now I'm realizing it's not just Adia that we'll be paying some kind of tuition of some kind for.
As it stands right now, there are two schools I would consider putting Adia in (one Montessori and another that focuses on science, tech, and math.) Those would accept Francesca too. There's also the base center, but that would only apply to Francesca. Of course, I can only find information about tuition for the Montessori school, and it's far more than my college tuition. To put both of them in for one year will be equivalent to two full years of college for me. (Yikes.) The base center looks AWESOME, but I know they usually have a long waiting list. I may have to send Charles by to get more information tomorrow. (He's on foot today -- dropping my car to get the oil changed.)
The other thing about putting Francesca somewhere is that I'm going to have to be super-comfortable with their methods of discipline, because she's going to be 3 and some change. Big discipline time.
On a happier note, let me close with another picture. (J took this at the LLL mess party last week. I hope she doesn't mind my stealing it from her myspace. :)
As it stands right now, there are two schools I would consider putting Adia in (one Montessori and another that focuses on science, tech, and math.) Those would accept Francesca too. There's also the base center, but that would only apply to Francesca. Of course, I can only find information about tuition for the Montessori school, and it's far more than my college tuition. To put both of them in for one year will be equivalent to two full years of college for me. (Yikes.) The base center looks AWESOME, but I know they usually have a long waiting list. I may have to send Charles by to get more information tomorrow. (He's on foot today -- dropping my car to get the oil changed.)
The other thing about putting Francesca somewhere is that I'm going to have to be super-comfortable with their methods of discipline, because she's going to be 3 and some change. Big discipline time.
On a happier note, let me close with another picture. (J took this at the LLL mess party last week. I hope she doesn't mind my stealing it from her myspace. :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
How can you argue with this?

Pure bliss.
We went to the berry farm this morning, intending to play and pick. When we got there, J let us know it was really muddy. Plans changed to just picking.
We picked almost 8 quarts, which means we now need plastic jelly jars for freezer jam. (I sure hope the dollar store has them!) We grabbed a pint of raspberries too. (I let Adia pick between cherries and raspberries.) Then we decided "what the heck" and let the kids play. I think A (not Adia.. the other A) must've gotten in the mud first. Then Adia figured it out. Both she and M were COVERED in mud by the time we all left. I made her take off her shoes and shorts for the ride home. C and her crew and L and her crew came over for playset time and then inside time. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and we're all going to C's house tomorrow.
And as I'm writing this, I'm realizing I must've done something good to my elbow. It's been sore all day, like I bumped it. I just put it side-by-side with my other elbow, and it's actually pretty swollen. Oops.
Also, I had a Bio test last night, and I'm pretty sure I aced it. This prof lets us see our multiple choice answers and a general outline of what he wanted for essays. (After we complete it, of course.) I think I hit most of the higher points.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Adia and the po-po
Last week, one of Adia's friends told her to "Watch out for the po-po!" as we were leaving.
We went to dinner last night with my mom, and as we were leaving, Adia turned to Charles and said "Watch out for the po-po, Daddy!"
With the police chief right behind them. HAHA!
Fortunately, he has a good sense of humor.
After Mom got home from dinner, Dad said he wasn't feeling so hot. (And he didn't look so good while we were there either.) They wound up going to the ER (at the same hospital where Francesca will be having her dental work.) He has pneumonia, which sucks, but is a lot better than the dozens of other things I was worrying about!
Okay, now I need to get to studying, as I'm hiding out in the bedroom for that very reason. I'm hoping to take my BIO test tomorrow, but it depends on how confident I feel this evening. I also have a lab due by midnight tomorrow and a discussion board post on Stats tonight.
We went to dinner last night with my mom, and as we were leaving, Adia turned to Charles and said "Watch out for the po-po, Daddy!"
With the police chief right behind them. HAHA!
Fortunately, he has a good sense of humor.
After Mom got home from dinner, Dad said he wasn't feeling so hot. (And he didn't look so good while we were there either.) They wound up going to the ER (at the same hospital where Francesca will be having her dental work.) He has pneumonia, which sucks, but is a lot better than the dozens of other things I was worrying about!
Okay, now I need to get to studying, as I'm hiding out in the bedroom for that very reason. I'm hoping to take my BIO test tomorrow, but it depends on how confident I feel this evening. I also have a lab due by midnight tomorrow and a discussion board post on Stats tonight.
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