Friday, May 23, 2008

Mmm... bread

Looks like I can post pics straight from my phone. :)

Monday, May 19, 2008


Today's horoscope:
As your life becomes more complicated, you may be longing to get back to basics. Nevertheless, you are drawn into a complex and tangled web. You might want to complain, but you also realize you have to handle any situation -- even if it makes you crazy. Be determined and push your way through the intensity, and if necessary, make it up as you go along.

Right now, I'm taking things one step at a time. If I don't, I'm going to sink. At the very least, I'll start thinking too much about how life is going at the moment, and I'm trying to avoid that.

This morning I focused on getting Adia a pediatrician appointment.

After that, I focused on surviving until the appointment.

After that, I focused on getting through the initial part of the appointment.

After that, I focused on giving Adia a breathing treatment in the exam room while Francesca did her best to climb on things and fall.

After that, I focused on getting a treatment plan.

After that, I focused on driving to the pharmacy. (Although I made a wrong turn and decided to swing through Starbucks drive-thru. I literally had nothing but caffeine until Charles got home and made me drink water with dinner.)

After that, I focused on driving home.

After that, I focused on eating dinner.

After that, I focused on getting to school orientation. So much so that I didn't give Charles and Adia hugs or kisses goodbye. (Francesca came with.)

After that, I focused on driving to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions.

After that, I focused on the idea of driving to Richmond tomorrow for Francesca's dentist appointment.

I had to backtrack and focus on school for tonight. I got school off to a fab start by not buying one of my labs for BIO and then forgetting to attach files to an email to my stats prof. A+!

Now I need to go try to fall asleep so I can drive to Richmond, then to the farm to pick up CSA goodies, and then to the coffee shop for breastfeeding cafe night.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Home again

I'll (try) to post a full account tomorrow, but we're home. :)

Here's a picture of little miss awesome from the first room (trauma, which we were moved from because they had a more critical patient.) She did amazing.



saw dr. he says virus

saw dr. he says virus & followup w ped. no abx. waiting 4 discharge. may rx tylenol w codeine.

saw dr. did xrays. waiting

saw dr. did xrays. waiting 4 dr. c&f 2 get back from/with dinner.

waiting 4 xrays dr nurse.

waiting 4 xrays dr nurse. moved rooms & have basically been ignored. in playrm w/ f while c reads 2 a

giving her albuterol & another

giving her albuterol & another bd. going 2 xray after that. not said probly need stronger steroid. pulseox was 96ish 161

still hanging in the ER.

still hanging in the ER. adia's color isn't the best and she's now retracting a bit so probably good we came.

testing mobile posting.

testing mobile posting.


Don't panic, but we're off to the ER for Adia. She is still coughing and her fever has spiked again after mostly going away a couple of times. We're thinking that it might be bacterial at this point, but this never happens on weekdays so the pediatrician is closed. The urgent cares all close at 5, also too soon for us to get there. (The fever didn't spike until about 20 min ago.)

We're getting ready to head out the door. We packed an overnight bag, just in case. Fingers crossed that that's overkill.

Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Adia day!

At dinner, Adia passes gas.

Me: Run, go potty!
A: I was afraid you'd say that.

Charles just came to get Adia out of the spot where she was hiding to get ready for bed.

C: Get out of your hidey hole.
A: That's not my hiney hole!
C: hi-DEE hole, honey.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


There comes a point near the end of pregnancy where a woman accepts the fact that she is going to be pregnant forever. That's also usually about the time she goes into labor.

I have accepted the fact I am never going to sleep again. Maybe it will work the same way.

The girls are still sick. Adia woke up needing to pee in the middle of the night, which woke me up. When she got back into bed, she lay there coughing. I was nursing Francesca, so I couldn't do anything about it. Finally, she let got and I went in and offered to set up the nebulizer. Charles said he hadn't planned to, but that I could if I felt like she needed it.

By the time he brought her up here, she was doing that cough where you know she's on the brink of puking. She took it pretty well, and I'm almost certain that she fell asleep several times over the course of the treatment.

For the second time last night, I had trouble falling asleep. (The initial sleep was slow to come too.) Long after Adia finished her last coughs, I was still laying there awake.

Today was long, in that both girls felt better enough to run and play and FIGHT. They were not at 100%, though, and they really needed not to be doing any of those. It took 2.5 hours to get Francesca down for a 1.5 hour nap. If she hadn't been so sick the last few days, it would've been a no-nap day. (Also, I'm not feeling my best so I needed the break too. Selfish, maybe, but true.)

Charles brought home the year's first box from the co-op. We got bok-choy, arugula (which I say in my best Steve Martin imitation), strawberries (!!!), head lettuce, salad mix, garlic scapes, French breakfast radishes (mmmm!), and a bonus carton of eggs. I can't wait to have a big salad tomorrow night. Which reminds me that I need to make a grocery list so I can go later or tomorrow or something.

Adia's done with her treatments now, so I suppose I'll be done with this. (Francesca requested I get on, and then she ran away.)

Monday, May 12, 2008


Francesca is going to the dentist I wanted her to go to next Tuesday. (She could've gone tomorrow were it not for the illness of doom.)

Her temp is around 103 at the moment, and A's is back below 100, I think. Looking to be another Motrin night. Also, a take-out night. I don't think I can safely set F down anywhere to cook without her falling over. (She's weeeeeeeak. In good spirits, but weak.)

School for the fall is going to suck, because the online speech class that I wanted to take is full. Also, there are no online history classes, and I can't take college chem because I would need middle-of-the-day childcare MWF. So it's looking like I get to drive to the nearest campus twice a week for Calc OR drive to the next nearest campus once a week for speech. What my other class is going to be, I have no idea...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bless the makers of Motrin

Neither girl wanted to sleep long last night it seemed. They apparently wanted to give me a great Mother's Day present -- both of them woke up with some illness this morning! They were congested and feverish and Francesca had puked three times by the time I got up. (They let me sleep in. :)

Both girls have been slightly out of it all day, but the fevers were staying pretty low. Adia's never got above 100.5. Francesca's was climbing above 103 before dinner, so once it was over, Charles went to the drug store to get Motrin. (Ours expired last month.) She went to sleep nursing in my lap before he got home, and I firmly believe in not waking a sleeping toddler for meds unless it is literally life or death. When she finally woke up after Adia went to sleep, we took her temperature again and it was around 104.5-105 with the ear thermometer. Definitely a med situation. A few minutes later, her eyes bugged out and she twitched around a bit. I thought she was having a seizure. Until Charles took her, and she puked on him. (HA!) She's done that once more, but that was after chugging half a sippy of water.

Now she's zoning to the creepy Singing Babies DVD and leaning heavily on my arm. (CREEPY, I tell you.) Her temp has come down over a degree, so I think Motrin was warranted. ;)

In happy news, the girls got me The Sims 2 for my Mac. They also got me a cute card that Adia spelled her name on AND "Mommy" on the envelope by herself!! :) I always forget the awesome things she says, but they are pretty awesome. (Even when they're obnoxious at the time. ;)

And to be a bad unequal Mommy, I'll now relate a Francesca story from earlier in the week. She was sucking her thumb for some reason (which she's never done) and I asked her what was on her thumb. Her answer? Mouf! Smartaleck.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The girls' grills

I'm so witty.

We took the girls to the dentist today.

The good news: Both girls sat pretty peacefully in the chair by themselves. Adia's teeth are perfect, no cavities. :)

The bad news: Francesca's front four teeth may have to come out. This dentist can't do it (take them out OR try to repair them), so she referred us to one that is about 2 hours away.

I think I'm going to try and get her an appointment with the second opinion dentist in Richmond from when we had Adia's teeth worked on. They didn't offer in-office sedation, but our dental insurance covers general anesthesia now. That makes things a little easier. Especially since I have a weird gut feeling about the in-office thing with Francesca. I didn't have it with Adia, and hers went fine, so I don't know where it's coming from. I just feel like I'd rather have her in a hospital than in an office.


Other fun from today were trips to the mall and Borders. Adia and Charles started The Secret Garden tonight. Francesca went to sleep in like 5 minutes. Still waiting on Adia.. unless Charles fell asleep reading to her. It was a looooonnnng night last night. Of course, Adia spent it alone from like 8:15 to 6:15, so that's progress there too! (Charles usually has to go in at least once.)

Tomorrow I get to spend the day doing the laundry that has been neglected between the meeting yesterday and the trip today. We may try to carve out a little trip to storytime, but it depends on how much sleep I get tonight.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

4.0, officially

Annnnd, my pre-calc score was finally posted. I got a 91 on the final (say what?! I was expecting lower) and a 95 average overall. :) So, all A's!

Now how to tactfully reply to the classmate who emailed last night asking how I did and saying how hard/unfair it was.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Random thought from last night, after Adia successfully put herself back to sleep.

Parenting is weird.  On the one hand, when your kiddo reaches a milestone, you want a parade and parties.  On the other hand, not all milestones need a big celebration -- in fact, they might be counter-productive.

In other fun news, we went to storytime this morning and ducked out before snacks (grape soda, rainbow chips ahoy and cheezy puffs) to go meet Charles to deposit checks at the bank. Then we went to lunch, and after that I surprised Adia by taking us to C's house.  J and her boys were there too, and the kids all had a pretty good time.  (We'll ignore both the baby girls flying off of the swingset, because they were pretty quickly comforted.)  I'm glad I went with the crowd and sunscreened Adia and Francesca, because otherwise they would've fried.  Ask me how I know.  (I was expecting maybe a sun-kissed look.  I got a sun-got-to-first-base look on my upper back.)

Back to the sex, violence, and drugs on GTA III.  (I'm spending my break well. :)

Current grade tally

SOC: A (But I've known that since the middle of last month when she told me I was exempt from the final test and project.)

BIO: A (Remember that paper about Lactobacillus acidophilus? Totally for shits and giggles, because I didn't need it for my A. Also, Phytophthora infestans and Protoreaster nodosus. At least I learned something?)

MTH: Probably an A (I took the final Wed. night, even though it wasn't due until Monday night. When I averaged my grades and realized that I could score as low as a 54 on the final and still get an A, I decided that any points I lost to unpreparedness would be made up for in lowered stress from studying. I could've skipped it altogether and made a B in the class.)

So I'm done until May 19th, which is orientation for the online classes. I've already picked up my BIO DVD's for 102, but I still have to wait to get my Statistics CD.

Oh, and I had been worried that I was just doing BIO101 and 102 for fun, but it turns out that they are pre-reqs for all of the higher level Bio classes in the major. :) Time to cross my fingers that they offer College Chem next fall at the campus nearest me.