Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Aren't we cute?
After dinner on our date. We left here and went walking/shopping for a bit before heading home (to two very tired babies.)
We went to The Melting Pot on a date tonight. We did the cheese course (pictured), salad course, and a double dessert course. ;) (Lager cheddar, California and House, and Yin and Yang for the curious) It was nums! Oh, and an apple martini. Enchanted (as in, the Disney movie) is totally encouraging of-age drinking. At one point the "chef" brings out a really yummy-looking poison apple martini to get the main character to drink.
So I had much fun talking about "muh aaaappp-eel mah-teee-nee" at dinner. Good thing we were in a dining room alone! ;) (I'm guessing it's where they put the two-person date types.)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
also it's effing cold outside
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asleep on the couch
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Sunday, November 9, 2008
Mmm.. algae and mushroom oil formula
I find the FAQ a scary read...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What, me OCD?
Produce on the bottom. Dairy on one half of the top, dry on the other half, and meat in the bottom back part where I put my bags. Bread on top of the stuff in the top basket. That way I can make sure all refrigerated stuff goes together, all cans go together, and I remember to ask for a plastic baggie for the meat when I put it all on the belt.
Makes putting away muuuuuch easier too!
(And in case you're wondering, I separate my grocery list into categories too.)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day '08, part 2
I think it was worthwhile. We probably had 1/10th the number of people stop at our table than stopped at the Rep table, but our voters were SO much more psyched. Like yelling "GO OBAMA!!!!!" across the parking lot. :D
There were actually 2-3 new voters there, even!
We are now proudly displaying Barack Obama and Mark Warner yard signs in our front window. (Better late than never?)
And returns are coming in! So far McCain has a 7500 vote lead, but I need to see where those polls are.
I'm feeling good. :)
I voted!
(Well, after I taped a black construction paper bar over the "Obama" portion of my shirt. I decided against writing "CENSORED" on it, but it got the point across anyway.)
There was pretty much no line, and I only had to wait a minute until one of the four machines freed up. I cast my vote for a straight Democratic ticket, got my "I voted" sticker for potential doughnuts/ice cream/coffee if I go into Fredericksburg later, and walked out the door. I immediately took off my black bar, and headed to the Dem table. Where there was a lawyer standing to ask me if I had any trouble voting. (She said I was smart to wear my black bar to the poll. Ha! The campaigner, however, said he was there to get locked up, so he'd be wearing his button to the poll.)
There were 85 people in line first thing when the polls opened. The line stretched almost to the highway.
I'm going out to volunteer somewhere today... it may be here in my precinct or it may be in Fredericksburg.