We had planned to go to the coffee shop this morning, because I'm out of coffee (teh horrors.) Seriously, I couldn't remember how to tie a bow.
I walked out of the front door to find...... a little grey kitten! She was emaciated and had crusty eyes, so two big signs that I didn't want to bring her inside with immuno-compromised Crush. I called the local cat rescue (I guess is what you'd call it? The shelter doesn't take cats here, so she does with a pretty cool setup.) I brought kitty in without a fight -- she walked right up to the cat carrier. I offered her a treat, but she just wanted petted. I had to sign away "my" rights to her, and when I told her why I couldn't take another (sick) kitty right now, she asked if Crush had FIV. I said no, and she explained that someone was looking for a home for a FIV+ kitty. Alas, if Crush were to get FIV, that would be the end of him.
So we went on to the coffee shop, and I'd brought books for the girls. So I got to read the Post and the FLS in peace. Good times.
And now we're home. I need to get bleach for the carrier later and it's the first day of fall shares at the CSA. As soon as I finish this blog, I'm headed to the kitchen to clean (it REEKS because the trash had some pretty gross stuff in it this morning) and after that is nap. Charles is coming home early so we can get to cleaning before the Realtors are here on Friday to critique us. I'm a bit nervous about that.