We got there and got lunch and got in line around 1pm. It was like 85 degrees and we were in the sun. J went to take our trash to a can and by the time she got back, I'd heard that this was the line for people with blue tickets. We had no tickets.
Luckily, some nice Aussie(?) came by with white tickets and we got those and this line was also for white tickets. Yay!
Finally we got inside and we stood. It rained for a few minutes, so then it was 85 and humid. And we stood. We saw the snipers get in position, so we knew the time must be drawing near. Then it started pouring. And lightning. And thundering. And then the snipers went back inside. And we stood. And it poured. Eventually the rain lightened up a little bit, and two political types and a minister came onstage. Seriously, halfway through the prayer, the rain stopped. And a rainbow came out. (God votes Democrat, y'all!)
Then there were technical difficulties with the teleprompter, so more music from the 45-50 minute long mix CD. (No love for Natasha Bedingfield here now -- every time "Unwritten" came on it would rain -- feel the rain on your skin fer sure.) This was after 6pm. That's a lot of repeating music.
Finally, they were able to come out. Biden took the stage first, followed by Obama. It was freaking AWESOME!!!! Biden just seems really nice, and he's energetic. If I can figure out how to get the videos of him speaking off of my cell phone, I will. Some asshat kept trying to yell Obama during Biden's speech. Rude. Hadn't noticed until he spoke that McCain didn't utter the words "middle class" during the debate.
Then he introduced Barack (I like to think I can refer to him on a first name basis now.) Crowd went wild. He laid it all out there, and he was so so SO comfortable with speaking. Like, I have no idea how we've put up with Bush over the last 8 years, because I could listen to Barack for days on end. It should not have been remarkable enough to me to lean over to point out to J that he had kept speaking while scratching his nose. Seriously, a world leader should be able to do something like that. (And, ya know, scratching -- not picking.)
The rain started up while he was talking, and he took off his jacket.And he just kept on going. At the end, he used the metaphor of feeling like the rain was never-ending and the storm would never pass to talk about the economy. :P Whether that was planned before or after the weather, it still had us laughing.
After he left the stage, we started to head to the car. I noticed that the peeps in the front were getting to see our Pres and Veep up close, but didn't think it was worth it. We went up anyway. See the backwards hat? That's Biden! He was like a 6 year old or something -- and I mean that in a good way. No pressing of flesh, but was awesome to be just a few feet away.
In the pic of the two of us -- our jeans are normally 2 shades lighter. We were SO soaked. As J kept saying "We could've jumped in the shower fully clothed and been less wet." But SO totally worth it. SosoSO worth it!
(I posted this elsewhere, but I wanted it here too. :)